Preface: I had an entirely different column ready and waiting for today, but this couldn’t wait. Something urgent has been percolating for weeks and I can’t bite my tongue any longer to avoid hurting feelings. My goal here is to help and encourage, not criticize. This column is shared with great respect, love of country and humility, but deeply grave concern.
Dear Democratic Leaders: Senator Schumer, Congressman Jeffries, Senator Durbin, Senator Klobuchar, Congresswoman Clark, Congressman Aguilar, and Congressman Lieu,
We know you are scared. We also know you want to exude calm and assuredness. We, as Americans are feeling despondent and scared as well. We also know there is no one correct answer or solution, but we must, at a minimum, stand up to the grotesque and brutish bullying. We do not see you standing up in solidarity showing fierce unabashed fearlessness. Forgive me, but to the average American, it looks like you are hiding. I apologize for the bluntness. It is not meant to be disrespectful, but this exact statement has been made by millions of Democrats nationwide at this point. I hear it every day at events, at the grocery store, on social media and at the pharmacy.
Let me be clear, we need you to show us you can stand up, speak out and fight. We need it now.
Allow me to cut to the chase: Bullies do not back down. Fascists do not back down. Authoritarians do not back down. They keep the deluge of authoritarian actions coming. Intimidation and gas-lighting never stop. Being quiet, collaborative, compliant or “letting them hang themselves” or “fall into chaos on their own” is not only ineffective and not useful at all, it is never going to happen. In fact, it feeds the bully beast. Their goal is to confuse, create chaos and generate fear, all day long in order to keep people scared and compliant. It does not end. I’m sorry to say this but the Trump administration and their supporters find our lack of response “hilarious” and “helpful.”
Yes, this is difficult to deal with everyday. Yes, please do not take on every battle. Yes, be strategic. However, you must be loud and strong everyday. It is not just optics, it is a way to rally the troops.
Recently, I’ve sat on several panels, spoken to and attended a series of events where standard rank and file Democratic/Independent voters attended and shared some crystal clear thoughts about how they feel about our leadership right now. They are truly traumatized by your inaction and they are furious.
Their number one complaint? Our leaders are not fighting, showing strength or even articulating they have a plan. By the way, this is not about the DNC chair. That is not an excuse that works. It will of course be helpful to have that person on board and working, but it is much larger than that.
Communications such as the below would be helpful:
Demonstrate there is a strategy to let the American people know when Trump craters the food and construction industries as a result of mass deportations and tariffs, and Democratic leaders are here to help.
Share exactly how you intend to prevent Republicans from gutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid or at least minimize the negative effects. Tell Americans how they can help.
Present the Democratic Party as a phalanx of power and obstruction to the cruelty and lawless attempts to ruin our economy by the Republicans.
Have a clear, humane statement and strategy on immigration reform in contrast to Trump.
Address why these outrageous executive orders, new republican laws and early actions will affect everybody’s everyday negatively:
Small business owners will lose their life’s work and their ability to support their families in the months.
The labor shortage will be astronomically worse and the food and construction industries will be decimated.
Families will be torn apart.
American streets are not safe with the violent insurrectionist criminals Trump unleashed back into society.
Disease and death rate will skyrocket as a result of stopping funding to the National Institutes of Health and leaving the World Health Organization. We will not be ready for another virus such as the H5N1/Bird Flu that is threatening us.
The income gap will be so dramatic that bankruptcies will be an everyday occurrence.
As Trump bullies other countries, it makes our country less safe.
I could go on.
Honestly, you absolutely won’t win every battle. We all know that. Right now your job is to rally the troops and conjure up some “badassery” to demonstrate you are all in and here to fight.
Also: you will make mistakes if you act with fearlessness. That will be forgiven and likely applauded, because you will be showing force. We need that.
My observation is lawmakers like Congresswoman Crockett, Congressman Khanna, Congresswoman Ramirez, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Murphy, Senator Sanders and Senator Warren are all showing significant backbone, real fight and ability to help. Deputize them and give them each a role in the “stand up, fight back and don’t back down” strategy.
Let me remind you when Newt Gingrich, after huge Republican losses in the House and Senate in the early nineties, introduced “The Contract With America” and they all stood up and fought with vigor, even viciously at times, led by a few particularly effective fighters, it resulted in a huge win for Republicans in 1994. We need a demonstration of fight, fighters and a plan.
The Democrats have a huge opportunity to win back the house in 2026 with an FDR 2.0 agenda, “A Promise To Americans” to protect them, keep them safe and make their everyday lives better and more prosperous, but first you must fight. It will be exhausting.
The good news? We are all here ready to fight with you, we just need leaders to have the bravado, guts and fearless posture we are seeking.
A critical note: Stop listening to lobbyists and consultants who do not understand we are a nation of context/issue voters, not party-line voters. Stop having silly, glib social media fights with individual Republicans on inconsequential matters.
Listen to Americans in all fifty states, in rural, suburban and city areas.
You all stood and took an oath to the U.S. Constitution. Now stand up speak loudly with a big stick and keep that oath.
We stand ready to help you. Unleash your badassery. Tell us what you need and we will be there for you.
With gratitude for your service, love of country and respect for all of you,
Former Congresswoman, Illinois’ Third District
This is exactly what needs to be said. I have been on numerous social media, political and financial websites and have never seen so many comments from Democrats say they are changing their affiliation to Independent because the Dems, with the few exceptions you mentioned, are doing nothing. Does the Dem leadership really believe they can win the midterms with the weakness they have shown? Capitulating to Trump and MAGA is going to sink their chances in 2026. People are furious - not only with Trump et al but also with the Dems. Everyday my email is filled with a hundred or more requests for money from Democratic politicians and groups. I have given thousands of dollars per year in the past to these requests but will not give one more penny until I see some vigorous action opposing the sh#tstorm we are experiencing. Thank you for expressing so eloquently what MILLIONS of us are feeling.
Where is the Democratic political leadership? The people are ready to take to the streets. Where are the student protesters on university campuses? We must act before the orange turd destroys our constitution, our democracy, the rule of law, our institutions, our people, our country. The orange turd is implementing Project 2025 after disavowing it during the campaign. Time to break through the pernicious make believe of the orange turd’s lies. Who will lead the way?