
First, you misspelled the Vice President's name and title. It is Vice President Kamala Harris. Second, please share which policies will "bankrupt" us and provide documentation. That way, we can actually have a conversation instead of a bunch "!!" statements. Many thanks.

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What a joke!! Camala’s policies will go along way to bankrupting our country!! I for one don’t want my grandchildren to pay for the stupid policies of another socialist in the White House!!

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#DoctorY’s Rx:



#TheLEFT🦠 as defined as #ThoseWhoLeftGod are the deadliest virus🦠 because #TheLEFTSpreadsLies💯 and #TheLEFTKillsOurFreedom.🇺🇸


#LoveAlwaysAndLiveForever Everyone🙏



I’m on Vacation

Dr. Kenneth Joseph Yerkes🇺🇸

Former 2018 #WriteInCandidate



Now the New #IllinoisCongressionalDistrict6

2022 Candidate

Illinois House District 31


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