AIPAC and its co-conspirators should be investigated and prosecuted as illegal unregistered agents of a foreign country. It is illegal for foreign countries and their agents to participate in US elections or lobby the federal government or members of Congress, or to conspire to do so.

Lock them up!

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I hear, too, that Hillary Clinton also is part of these reichwing-lite PAC groups. Certainly her group, Emily's List, has done a whole lot to drown any progressive chances of winning, too!

Hillary is no progressive, as a Democrat, either.

As a registered Dem myself, to have our own party fighting itself makes my stomach turn!

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The Democratic Party of today would be Republican nlback in the 1980s and 1990s. Trump is only a symptom of what has been happening for the last 40 years!😬😡😡😡

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Hillary Clinton and her neoliberal lackeys (Wasserman Schulz, Carville, etc.) gave us tRump. It's shocking to me that the Dem party considers her a hero.

No worries! Word is just out that Emily's List will be merging with Craig's List... this will make it much more convenient to buy politicians.

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you are kidding? Something I can't tell anymore.

Didn't someone say Musk's soc media was going to buy out Truth Social?

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I 95% agree but must ask if you passed this by your party leaders before publishing. Both parties benefit from corporate PACs and lobbyists.

I suggest we eliminate all PACS and limit contributions from individuals to $10,000 and $50,000 for companies, including lobbyists. The number one problem is MONEY Reducing the amount available is the only way to get meaningful legislation passed..

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agree - I mean both parties should eliminate!

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I suggest we outlaw all political advertising and campaigning. The bios and issues they've supported and not supported included should be published online. Then people will be forced to learn who they are voting for. No politician can raise any money...hey, isn't money speech?

Of course it is as long as money buys candidates and justices.

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to get these things, we need a congress who will tackle economic reorganization of insurance, banking & market. To do that we need to remove some justices from the courts.

What we have is what's been bought.

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Aug 27Liked by Marie Newman

AIPAC also funds fake PACs such as the 314 action fund, a phony « women in science » fund pretending to promote STEM.

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Yup, there are several

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Exactly. Until this problem is fixed it will be business as usual.

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I don't want congress doing all those things. That's just outright socialism and history shows it never makes a nation prosper. I would rather have the liberty to choose my own doctors and childcare and schools. That's American freedom.

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