Project 2025 is fascism being sold to the maga fools as way back to the leave it to beaver, John Wayne movie , delusional take on the American dream. Nice time for rich white folks , ...maybe. I remember the draft, any boy who wasn't going to college or wasn't rich was sent to Viet Nam to get gunned down for nothing. How about 4 kids gunned down by the national guard at Kent state. President Kennedy assassinated. Robert Kennedy assassinated. Reverend King assassinated.Poverty in Appalachia. Racist murders in the South. Civil rights atrocities. Cops were called pigs. G. I.s were spit on. Nixon! And I remember being drilled as a school kid to hide under my desk if an h bomb went off. Make America great again my ass

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Fact check: https://apnews.com/article/trump-abortion-2024-ban-7bf06e0856b88a710c79a6eb85cffa6a

Trump does not support any type of national abortion legislation.

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He says frequently it is a states issue and he does not support federal access . Some states already have bans and he supports those rights over federal access. Therefore he cannot say he supports federal rights to abortion. More importantly I did not say he did in my post. Project 2025 does supports a full ban. Reread when you have time. Wishing you well and thank you for your comment.

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Biden is best placed, for a whole range of reasons. The debate sucked, for reasons including the nonstop lies you’ve mentioned that few others have! And yes, we can expand the court. I’ve been reminding people that the 60 vote filibuster only needs a simple majority to change that rule, it’s shocking that more people don’t understand that and don’t realize that it was weaponized against Obama, with McConnell requiring it for everything, and of course this caused problems for Obama priorities. Biden has been the most progressive and best president since FDR. He has a capable administration and a vice president ready to take over, if and when that is possible. What he has is a right wing press putting its thumb on the scales of aboth print and video media. So no, no one else is going to have the money and the ratings sufficient. It’s crazy. And yes project 2025 is terrifying. That’s rather the point of it, deeply partisan and full of priorities contrary to what a large majority of Americans want. Going all in on Dobbs and Project 2025 and the immunity ruling will be necessary. And yes, Democratic candidates have to be voted for. Single issue voter: democracy.

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People don't get Civics classes in school any more! The uninformed voter who doesn't take the time to educate themselves is dangerous because IMAGE is more important

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The Republican justices are scum bags, and that's all they'll ever be, scum bags!

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